Tag Archives: ganache

now I can die a happy girl

17 Jun

When left to my own devices, I would buy every book out there. Last summer, I think I spent over $100 each month on books which got me in a little spending crisis. Now, since I have limited funds and space, I only buy the books that really intrigue me. Those vying for a spot on my baking bookshelf have to meet my standards. They must be hardback, have a clean layout, contain lots of pictures, and be creative. None of this boring 1-2-3 baking crap; I want to feel the creativity coming out of the words and the pictures.

The cookbooks I buy and blogs that I follow are all about the actual creative pursuit and process. Your days don’t have to be boring if you spend your time doing things that make you think or smile. Furthermore, your creative work doesn’t have to be received with fanfare; simply completing what you set out to do is good enough. I used to have the mindset that the things weren’t worth doing unless it turned out perfect and got recognition for it. That frame of mind sets you up for failure because who is to decide what is good and what’s bad? Why not just enjoy the journey and the experience?

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