Tag Archives: sesame seeds

the real thing

23 Apr

A couple of weeks ago I was at my mom’s house and had the biggest urge to bake. Not completely out of the ordinary but when I moved, all baking materials and ingredients came with me. Which meant that I had zero supplies. No flour, no sugar, no pans. NADA. Did I mention that my mom sees baking and cooking as a chore? I guess that is what happens when you have to take cook for your five brothers and sisters when you are young. I’d hate the kitchen too if I was her.

Anyways, since my cake craving wouldn’t go away and I wasn’t about to pay $4 for a dry slice of bakery-bought cake, I decided to go the Duncan Hines route. Big mistake. Has anyone actually tasted one of these boxed-mix cakes since they started making their own homemade cakes? I know some swear by them, but the Lemon Cake from Duncan Hines was utterly repulsive. First of all, it looked like a neon sponge, and it tasted like pure chemicals… Which, I realized, was exactly what was listed on that ingredient list.

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