tweenies, beware

22 Nov

First of all, do you all know of the fantastic blog, Bake & Shake. If not, go forth and return refreshed and revitalized.

Her post about the just-released-unnamed-vampire-movie made me giggle. I indulged my tweenie side (oh, how I am glad to be older than 16) and read the series in between late night study sessions. Verdict? Highly addicting, easy to read, and full of kill-me/love-me drama that keeps you coming back for more. Plus, who doesn’t want a white knight that longs to suck the life out of you?!

So, despite my somewhat guilty conscience, I will be heading out to the theaters this weekend. Even if the movie sucks, at least I get to stare at the gorgeousness that is Robert Pattinson. He reminds of the sort of fellow you meet late night at some rowdy bar. You laugh over pints of cheap beer, and listen to some awful cover band. Suddenly your booze buzz wears off and you realize that you’ve been chatting with this gorgeous fellow all night. Then, comes in the awkward silence and the night is ruined… You forever look back at the night, wondering how you let that gorgeous man walk away without your number in his phone. Wait, does that only happen to me?

If I make it back alive from seeing this movie, I will be sure to report back. Hopefully, I can keep my temper in check and not hurt the little screaming tweens.

(Although, can I just say that Mr. Cullen has some steep competition with the all-powerful Angel a la Buffy. Talk about swoonworthy. That show made my entire high school life.)

images from here and here.

7 Responses to “tweenies, beware”

  1. Caitlin November 22, 2008 at 8:38 am #

    Seriously, it’d take a lot to top Angel. My life was made when he got his own series. But the minute those books are no longer eternally checked out from my library I’m going to go read them.

  2. snooky doodle November 22, 2008 at 10:38 am #

    I m going to watch this film since i m reading so much comments about it i m curious now. The actor looks gorgeous :)

  3. Emilia November 24, 2008 at 8:06 am #

    Hahaa, you are the only foodblogger I have seen who has written something about twilight :)

    I am looking forward to seeing the movie, but casting robert as edward was a big disappointment for me; I wished for someone better looking since in the books edward is always so gorgeous, as the writer states.
    I also don’t like angel, I was always much more into spike :) Buffy is one of my favourite shows and I watch the dvds sometimes still.

    I hope the twilight movie is good, but the reviews have been pretty bad.

  4. Sydney November 24, 2008 at 11:32 am #

    I found this post quite amusing seeing that I would fall in to the category of ‘tweenie’ that you speak of, as I’m 16. I’ve yet to read or see twilight and there is a good chance I wont, at least not anytime soon. The obsession that I see in my friends has scared me off. I have no desire to fall into the trap of wanting Edward to be real and convincing myself that I will marry him someday(I sadly have a few friends that whole heartedly believe that is a possibility)

    Funny story, a friend of mine was in class the other day and her english teacher made a comment about how she would never mary a man less then mister darcy and then the majority of girls in the class proceeded to disagree. They all said that they would never marry a man anything less then edward. I mean, he’s not only fictitious, but he’s a fictitious vampire. And think about it, most men who *sparkle* aren’t in to girls…

    Thats just how I feel about the while Twilight ordeal. and I’m even one of those twinkies. Err, I mean tweenies.

  5. Minko November 24, 2008 at 4:19 pm #

    I am really looking forward to seeing Twilight when it opens. I know nothing about it other than it is based on popular series of books.

  6. Jen November 26, 2008 at 8:43 pm #

    I have read all the books. I’m not a tweenie. (I’ll be thirty next year. Ouch.) I liked the movie. I haven’t read any official reviews of it. Rob looks gorgeous in it. I can’t quote him perfectly without checking my source, but read somewhere where he was talking about preparing for the role… He said he was worried about how he was going to portray the most beautiful man in the world. (Was shocked he’d even gotten the role.) But he realized he didn’t have to be “the most beautiful man in the world”. Bella just sees him that way because she’s in love. He only had to play a man in love.


  1. what a lovely way to burn « Slow Like Honey - November 28, 2008

    […] In regards to “Twilight”, I admit, it was good. Not blow-you-away good but entertaining and enjoyable. If you have read the books, it won’t let you down. I bet the sequels will be ten times better due to the bigger budget. Plus, with him on screen, you can’t help but like the movie. I should probably let you in on a secret: Whoorl and I are starting a stalkers-r-us group. You can join, but you can’t judge! […]

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