Tag Archives: loaf

Marbled Loaf Cake

18 Oct

marbled loaf cake

I never thought I’d admit this but here goes: I’m an early riser.

My 18 year old self just scoffed.

However, it is true. I like to be up and settling in to my first cup of coffee before 9 am. I prefer to do work and other rain activities before 12 pm. I really enjoy getting in a morning run and possible yoga session before 7 am.

chocolate before its mixed

Call me crazy, but there is something remarkably beautiful about being awake while (most of) the world is still sleeping. Right now, I live with a bunch of kiddies who sleep in till 12 pm and barely see the light of day. Silly kids, don’t they know they are missing out on the most perfect time of day? Granted, they don’t come stumbling home until about 4 am so I guess they earn the right to sleep in tragically late. But my old 24 year old bones can’t take that. I prefer to be cozied up in bed, makeup off, face scrubbed, and lights off by at least 1 am.

One of the reasons why I love my mornings is because you can squeeze in a little baking time before the rest of the house wakes up. Nothing says good morning like a warm marble loaf cake with freshly brewed coffee. Especially when you have a lovely young chap who is smiling back at you over the breakfast table (still auditioning for that part).

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from dark to light

4 Sep

My bookworm tendencies have gotten the best of me. I requested 43 books and guess what? All of them are currently waiting for me at the library on the hold-shelf. 


Do you know how many freaking books that it?! I mean, I am a warrior when it comes to reading but still. That’s insane even for me. Needless to say, I put myself to work, catching up on all my books. I finished The Late Bloomer’s Revolution (absolutely hysterical and totally relatable) in one day, staying up far later than I have in months (wow, did I just admit to my old granny tendencies) and am now totally engrossed in Astrid and Veronika.

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