Tag Archives: history

calling all nerds…

3 Aug

On Thursday, my summer finally started. I felt light as a feather mainly because my summer session on campus had ended. Yes, I was one of those unfortunate souls who signed up for summer school and it was a tough 8 weeks. 2 days a week, from the hours of 6 to 9, in a small FREEZING room is enough to turn even the most sane in to nut jobs. But I persevered and came through unscathed. 

Besides the ungodly time, I enjoyed my class. You see, I am kind of a nerd. I am one of those girls who spends hours and hours reading. As a child, I dreamed of being a librarian. Getting lost in the stacks, swimming in a sea of books. 

I told you I was special.

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the great american pinup

30 Jan

Over the weekend, I perused my local bookstore and fell upon this book, “The Great American Pinup,” which had some of the most beautiful pictures of classic American pin-up girls.

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retro friday

23 Nov

As my turkey feast is still digesting, I decided the best way to spend my friday was right on the couch with tons of movies. Old, new, silly, serious. You name it, I got it. But I must admit, once the holidays kick in, I tend to watch alot of the older retro films. And I especially have a fondness for any film with Katharine Hepburn.

Strong & classic, she embodies all things Hollywood. I especially love her in Little Women & Bringing Up Baby with Cary Grant. In between movie marathons, I am baking some delish chocolate chip walnut cookies.

As soon as I get done being lazy, I have a plethora of photos and recipes to post. But now, back to the show…